This document is for information purposes only and does not constitute a contractual agreement between the users ("visitor", "you", "your") of our website located at ("Oryzon Studio website", "site"), and Oryzon Studio ("we", "us", "our").
Cookies and Analytics
Our website is powered and hosted by Framer (Framer B.V.).
We only use functional cookies on our website, and no tracking cookie of any kind. For more information on how Framer manages cookies for user websites, you can find their own cookie policy here:
Framer provides built-in analytics for every website. Framer Analytics does not track, collect, or store any data or information that identifies a person. The data that is collected to provide website analytics is entirely anonymized and cannot be traced back to an individual. You can learn more about Framer’s analytics here:
You can also refer to Framer’s privacy statement here:
Information submitted through Forms
Regarding information willingly submitted by users through forms on the Oryzon Studio website:
this information may be used by Oryzon Studio internally, with the sole purpose of analyzing the users’ needs in order to offer a relevant reply to them, and contact them to this end;
we do not sell any of this information, or share any of it with third parties;
we use privacy-compliant tools to process and store your data internally. These include: Zoho Workspace, Notion, Spark, Slack. For more information on these tools you can refer to their own privacy policies;
users retain the right to access, amend, and delete this information. To exercise these rights, they can contact Oryzon Studio by emailing us at
Who is Oryzon Studio?
Oryzon Studio is the sole trader business of Thibaud Ramade :
SIRET 898 241 351 00011
15 rue des Halles
75001 Paris, France